
How to resolve Oppo forgot password A3s

This time I will share my experience about Oppo A3s locked / forgotten pattern (hp Nemu street) 😅. 

Continue to tutorial forgot password Oppo A3s,
To view hp I like this
To remove this aA3s passwords we have to reset or flashing !!


1 ------ reset via settings, dear to reset in this way can not be done now because we are in a locked state A3s

------- wipe data - this means that I do to open my A3s password, first we turn our A3s and press the power button to lower the volume at the same time, go to the recovery menu and select English language support

Next select wipe data and wipe posts click

Then click OK

After the reboot you A3s oooo hp and password by already lost.

Note :
Not all A3s can do it this way because the selection was extremely influential pattern.

2____ do flashing, this way is actually quite easy to do we just need to download the required files such as its firmware and flash tools,
But unfortunately for his file yet freely available there are also those who already have but charge !!

Maybe it's my first tutorial on how to flash the Oppo A3s.
if there are any questions please coment and if you want to ask about the provider of flashing Oppo 081 248 606 060 wa A3s please chat.
So much and see you again, greetings from noob🤓

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