
How to Add Domain To Blogger / Blogspot

This time I will share How to add / domain configuration to blogger with ease !! 
 The first thing to note, and also very important is the domain itself: v

After buying / owning a domain then we go to the blogger and search settings in the basic settings / basic

Later there will be written as 

And input kesitus where you buy the domain 👇👇👇

Here I use a domain from  Hostinger  ,
Log in to Hostinger after entering the search domain and select management and governance after the entry into and FILLIN select DNS ZONE CODE COPY OF SAID TO HAVE BEEN IN CNAME (alias)

After subsequently be copied back to blogspot and click save / save not only up dsitu we still need to set ip google that can be read by google

Sign in to the A (Host) and enter the settings as shown below

host                                   directed


Once saved back to blogspot for setting HTTP NY
FOR IN TURN BE HTTPS HTTP In order for the process to run its configuration quickly after changing http we just need to wait biasany enough with 15 minutes and the domain will work normally

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