
How to order a website or blog quickly indexed by google

Tips on How to use the sitemap correctly" 

Klai I will discuss about the index a website or blog by googl,

first "

- Go to webmaster tools' 

Second " 

- login with google account select add site and enter our web page and then add a http://suryathe.tech example and will be required to verify the property.
° to select a property verification using meta tags

Copy the code and paste it into the theme, through a code html and put debawah 

<Meta name = "google-site-verification" content = "FcRihLG_JuArb2XFm-jm7Wo4k0BorReYECPXqEwmDI0" />

After pasting the code then select the store on the theme,

And for the webmaster click on verification
And if it succeeds there will be writing verifed

third "                                                                    
       Sign kepilihan sitemap in webmaster then fill in as image

Webmasters old version

Webmasters new version

And a second code to sitemap 

atom.xml? redirect = false & start-index = 1 & max-results = 500

Paste the above code in the sitemap and see the results of ny 

For an alternative order for the website indexed faster to use fetch her there either as google 

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