
Solution To Blog Or Website Spared Of Duplicate Content / anti-block copy

This time I will give trick to our blog to avoid duplicate content because people who copy and paste blog. 

• it actually has long we know but rarely do because most of us take for granted clicking duplicate content,
Duplicate Content can make your blog can not be in the index by google,

Tip: Now for the script ,,,, 

<SCRIPT type = "text / javascript"> if (typeof document.onselectstart! = "Undefined") {document.onselectstart = new Function ( "return false");} else {document .onmousedown = new Function ( "return false"); document.onmouseup = new Function ( "return true");} </ SCRIPT>

Copy the script on top of the dam looking for a theme and select edit  HTML  and paste it in the  <head>

Klau still doubt see picture 

And see who your blog and test whether it is successful or not !!!
Maybe it was just for this time, klau still do not understand please coment.🤓

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