
How to Add Claims Copyright On Any Posts In Blog

This time I'll Share How To Blog Has Copyright Claim"
The problems faced today by The bloggers are burglars post !! 

It must be very detrimental if we post good as its taken by people who are irresponsible with Copy and paste How do then post them again, and coupled with the google search results copy-an outcome is higher than has kita--)
+++ does not include the source of the copy-late !!!

So I'll give a solution to comrades "all the bloggers of course how Adds a copyright claim on any posts that we publish right automatically. 

Figure !!!! 

To Add a copyright claim we simply open the blogger dashboard - theme - look for the words <\ body> and copy the code below and paste-right before the </ body> 
then automatically copyright for every post we will look !!.

<script type='text/javascript'>
!function(e,t){var n="getSelection",o="removeAllRanges",i="addRange",l="parentNode",a="firstChild",d="appendChild",r="removeChild",s="test",c="innerHTML";if(e[n]){var p,g,f,h,u,y;t.addEventListener("copy",function(C){for(g=C.target;3===g.nodeType;)g=g[l];if(h=t.createElement("div"),(p=e[n]())&&p.rangeCount&&(p=p.getRangeAt(0))&&(f=p.cloneRange(),p=p.cloneContents())){for(;u=p[a];)h[d](u);if(!/^(pre|code)$/i[s](g.nodeName||"")&&!/(^|s)no-attribution(s|$)/i[s](g.className||"")){var v=e.location.href;h[c]+="<br><br>&copy; "+t.title+'<br>Source: <a href="'+v+'">'+v+"</a>"}y=t.createRange(),t.body[d](h),y.selectNodeContents(h),p=e[n](),p[o](),p[i](y),setTimeout(function(){h[l][r](h),p[o](),p[i](f)})}},!1)}}(window,document);

To view the results of the Copy's blog will be like this
How to Add a Blog resources

÷  which means that we avoid Blog Copy paste please visit  ÷

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