
Definition And Function And SEO function on Blog

Understanding SEO And Function
"SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization (scanning engine optimizers)

÷> SEO is the steps are carried out systematically and gradually aiming to improve or get visitors from search engines Google or others. 
Which refers to a specific web site address based on keywords by using the search engine algorithms.

÷> The purpose of SEO is to get a site on the top positions of search engines based on keywords referring to ÷> Blog SEO function is as

• enhancing the ranking of a web page or blog in search engines
• enhancing higher visitor traffic
• make it easier for the placement of targeted visitors

÷> SEO Techniques SEO is actually divided into two: SEO On PAGE and Off Page SEO

• Black Hat SEO is sneaky or underhanded techniques performed by multiple users by doing Link Farming, Keyword Stuffing, Page Cloaking Doorway pages, invisible text, title iteration

• White Hat SEO -> is a SEO technique is very efficient and is suitable for search engines such as back links, content optimization, meta tag optimization

• Gray Hat SEO -> An SEO technique that combines engineering black and white seo seo such as cloaking, buying links, duplicate content

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