
How to Overcome Adsense Ads That Did not appear

"This time I will share the experience of the Adsense ads that do not appear" 
 ÷ little story ya !! πŸ˜„ 
been my experience the first time you start blogging or become a blogger !!,
My blog has been running for 2 weeks more, and on 16 November 2018 my account approved by Google Adsense
And I started checking the AdSense account email address is bener or wrong, and it's all true !!
Then I try to make the ad id, and his menemperkan on my blog ,, 
But a problem arises, namely the id that I had not also want to paste the ads to show, and then I tried to find a solution on google but not well resolved and I try again asked grub FB Adsense and the result is the same that appears anjayyyyyπŸ˜‚ still empty ad πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘ and I finally found the problem !!! 

 • The first way 

- the first open Adsense account
- Open the ad and select the ad unit 
- choose fish that are responsive only !! 
- copy the ad code and paste it on our blog 
- after they've taped and then back again to Adsense 
- go to the site 
- choose select sites that have been approved and click add subdomains by adding the subdomain www at the beginning, for example:www .alwarifebry .tech
Then save your subdomain and wait about 10 menitan 

• the second way 

- check thamplate or theme that we use 
- whether the theme has a nice spot for an ad unit 
- check out the widget, is already Ko 
- add widgets Adsense 
- add the widget html / Java (for ad code) 

• a third way 

- a way to edit the ad code 
- edit code ad unit by removing the ca-pub-92929298288 
data-ad-slot = "7547796349
Then save 

Note: the third way has not ever tried, and in my opinion it does not make sense! ! 
But if you want to try to please. 
If you have any questions please comment with good !!!!

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