
Solution Google Adsense Rejecting this URL is not available for signing up for AdSense

"This time I will share how to cope" This URL is not available for signing up for AdSense "  of course this is extremely disturbing us especially for new players in the world like my blog: v 
Here we will discuss some things that are very pengting !!

Solution Google Adsense Rejecting this URL is not available for signing up for AdSense

• the cause of  this URL is not available for signing up for AdSense
• The solution of  this URL is not available for signing up for AdSense
• how to blog accepted by adsense
Continue to the first discussion >>>

÷ The cause of this URL is not available for signing up for AdSense !!!

- too often sign up with a different gmail account> Google AdSense typically only receive 5 gmail accounts to a single domain, so if we try to change the gmail account for the sixth time will automatically exit the writing  of this URL is not available for signing up for AdSense
- Domain Not On> if you feel not doing the above then we first check whether the domain is active or not, if not please contact service provider's domain or hosting us.

÷  Solution  This URL is not available for signing up for AdSense

- said some people we just do the "Add a new User Blogs that have these obstacles by:

- settings> basic> writer Blog> add the authors.
After that input gmail account which would be added and click invite
Solution Google Adsense Rejecting this URL is not available for signing up for AdSense

Then open the email in question if there are emails from bloggers click on the link provided
Solution Google Adsense Rejecting this URL is not available for signing up for AdSense

Once received back again and go to the Blog with the first account and the second account of the author's fox into admin, and then go to the Blog with the second account and then delete the first account by clicking on the cross button.
Try re-list to AdSense.

Note: I myself have tried but can not be done this way, but for some people nothing works.

- Changing Domains> the way this one is one of the best ways, if the above is not successful.
But we can also use the account prior to its already registered.

÷ How To Blog we are accepted by the AdSense

- We try to create a blog in a natural way. 
- Do not copy and paste other people's blogs because it is nyampah: v.     
But may also be a way to rewrite the content is changing with the new posakata.

- Try Update Articles every day !!

- The most important register website / blog to the webmaster.
Webmaster is a tool created by Google to optimize website / blog machined google search.
For how to use Webmaster  Please visit How To Blog Kita Google Indexed Fast

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